Hitting Challenge for Coaches and Players: Know the Pitcher’s Weapons

Defusing the Pitcher’s Weapons – Timing & Spatial Awareness.
Here is a hitting challenge for coaches and players.
The next time you take batting practice.. don’t think about your hitting gadgets, apps or scores.
Tell your hitter, tell yourself.. only THINK about TIMING the ball

-And observe what takes place. If you are genuinely thinking about those two aspects of hitting,
most likely you’re going to hit BETTER!
But – the best part of this experiment is …
You’ll be practicing how to defuse the pitcher’s weapons &
practicing what you’ll need to be thinking about in the GAME!

Hitting is Timing, so begin to study your TIMING at home plate!
begins with the Best Hitting Drill EVER 3rd edition (video series).

Coach Dave Kirilloff is already in the process of setting up his 2nd of the TRAVELING TOUR.  And if you’re a coach or parent, may I suggest organizing a group visit from Coach Dave Kirilloff.  For more information on having Coach Dave K visit Click Here

Or a personal HOMETOWN visit Click Here