Don’t Put the Cart before the HORSE

Traditions are passed down …. innocently – and are often accepted … ignorantly – An example,  people believed the traditional thinking,  the world was flat .. people passed this position to one another .. innocently ..and examinations of the BIBLE tells you the world was a sphere, but people accepted the traditional thinking .. ignorantly – Obviously, more science removed “the world […]

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David Ortiz World Series MVP and his TIMING at home plate.

  2013 World Series MVP – David Ortiz was locked in the entire post-season.  He was ”IN CONCERT’ with the pitcher’s movement.  His friend Jose Bautista put it  into these terms.. Jose has a ”visual que”  on a particular section of the pitcher’s deliver where he gets locked in.  Ortiz and other big hitters are […]

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Timing Improves The Hitter’s Alertness, Vision, Swing Mechanics, Bat Speed.

  Hitting is Timing.. Plain and Simple.  As coaches, if we really want to help our players to hit better in games,  WE NEED to start paying attention to the details that work around timing the alertness, timing the vision, timing the swing !  The Best Hitting Drill – Ever (video series) is a “STARTING […]

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I Believe – Having Hitting Options Makes You a Better Player Or Coach

  Whether you are a Player or a Coach.. Having different hitting options and models to choose from gives a bigger bag of bullets.  Too often players are told to “WIDEN  their stance” – “Get your foot down” – and so on.  I believe there are 10 Hitting Models of Timing to choose from.  If you […]

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